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Atomic, Mesoscopic and Optical Physics

AMOP Group

AMOP Group

The research of the Atomic, Mesoscopic and Optical Physics Group  (AMOP) is centred on the development of understanding of quantum aspects of condensed matter, from atomic Bose-Einstein condensates to semiconductor quantum dots. The group has a high turnover of projects and experiments, in response to the rapid advances in these areas. 


The group has five subgroups, each led by a different group member.

  • Quantum optics and mesoscopic systems, Prof. Mete Atature
    quantum dot spins, cavity QED, plasmonics and diamond colour centres.
  • Quantum gases and collective phenomena, Prof. Zoran Hadzibabic
    superfluidity, quantum magnetism, two-dimensional systems, non-equilibrium phenomena.
  • Quantum Nano-Sensing, Dr. Helena Knowles
    Nanoscale NMR, Imaging nano-magnetism, Spin control and Hamiltonian engineering, Many-body spin systems.
  • Many-body Quantum Dynamics, Prof. Ulrich Schneider
    Quantum gases in optical lattices, out-of-equilibrium dynamics, quantum thermodynamics
  • Quantum Engineering Group, Dr. Dorian Gangloff
    Experimental and theoretical aspects of solid-state spin-photon interfaces, hybrid quantum technologies, quantum nonlinear optics