AMOP Group
The research of the Atomic, Mesoscopic and Optical Physics Group (AMOP) is centred on the development of understanding of quantum aspects of condensed matter, from atomic Bose-Einstein condensates to semiconductor quantum dots. The group has a high turnover of projects and experiments, in response to the rapid advances in these areas.
The group has five subgroups, each led by a different group member.
- Quantum optics and mesoscopic systems, Prof. Mete Atature
quantum dot spins, cavity QED, plasmonics and diamond colour centres. - Quantum gases and collective phenomena, Prof. Zoran Hadzibabic
superfluidity, quantum magnetism, two-dimensional systems, non-equilibrium phenomena. - Quantum Nano-Sensing, Dr. Helena Knowles
Nanoscale NMR, Imaging nano-magnetism, Spin control and Hamiltonian engineering, Many-body spin systems. - Many-body Quantum Dynamics, Prof. Ulrich Schneider
Quantum gases in optical lattices, out-of-equilibrium dynamics, quantum thermodynamics - Quantum Engineering Group, Dr. Dorian Gangloff
Experimental and theoretical aspects of solid-state spin-photon interfaces, hybrid quantum technologies, quantum nonlinear optics